【專利說明】使用沸石-斜發沸石在上流式厭氧消化器與污泥床中對廢 水進行厭氧消化的方法
[0001] 本發明涉及一種通過添加負責有機物質之厭氧降解的活性沸石-斜發沸石 (zeolite-clinoptiIolite)污泥在上流式厭氧消化器與污泥床(upf low anaerobic digester and sludge blanket, UASB)中進行厭氧消化的方法。該沸石以占楽料總體積的 15%至23%的比例添加,該量足以在反應器中實現較好的污泥停留以及所需量的氮的去除 以防止由該化合物導致的抑制過程。所用沸石必須是斜發沸石型,因為斜發沸石由于其作 為離子交換劑的特性而具有較高的去除氨氮的能力。
[0002] 上流式厭氧消化器和覆層(mantle)廣泛用于處理來自不同領域(feature)的廢 水,例如生活污水或餐飲業污水(served sewage),來自蒸饋間(distillery)的廢水,來自 制糖產業、罐頭產業、咖啡產業(benefit Of coffee)、乳制品、軟飲料、藥物生產、填埋場滲出 物(landfill leachate)、淀粉生產、酵母生產、釀酒以及紙張生產的廢水。在這些情況下,已 經獲得了較高的有機物質去除效率,其值為70%至85%。然而,該方法在應用于含有高濃 度蛋白質或銨的廢水(例如,在魚加工產業、畜牧設施、肉類制品加工廠、動物的屠宰、氮肥 的生產等中產生的那些)時失效,因為這些高濃度蛋白質或銨妨礙所產生的絲狀結構中顆 粒的形成(Sanchez 等,1995 ;Hulshoff 等,2004 ;Tada 等,2005 ;Montalvo 等,2012)。這導 致不良的污泥沉降特性和低去除效率。在另一方面,高濃度的有機氮和銨導致厭氧消化的 抑制,這直接影響有機物質的低去除效率和低甲烷產生。
[0003] 有一些報道表明,當氨氮的濃度超過1000mg/l時,顆粒狀污泥的形成受到嚴重影 響。當廢水具有高蛋白質濃度并且化學需氧量(chemical oxygen demand, C0D)比例:氮 (N)低于 30 : 1 時,還發生抑制過程(Sanchez 等,1995 ;Hulshoff 等,2004 ;Tada 等,2005 ; Montalvo 等,2012)。
[0004] 沸石斜發沸石已被用于控制含有高濃度有機氮的廢水中氨氮的形成(Bernal Μ. Ρ. , Lopez-Real J. Μ. 1993. Natural zeolites and sepiolites as ammonium and ammonia adsorbent materials. Bioresource Technology. 43,27-33 ;Bernal M. P. , Lopez-Real J. M. , Scott K. M. 1993. Application of natural zeolites for the reduction of ammonia emissions during the composting of organic wastes in a laboratory composting simulator Bioresource Technology. 43,35-39 ;Borja R. , Sanchez E. , Weiland P., Travieso L. 1993. Effect of ionic exchanger addition on the anaerobic digestion of cow manure. Environmental Technology. 14,891-896 ;Borja R. , Sanchez E. , Weiland P., Travieso L. , Martin A. 1993. Effect of natural zeolite support on the kinetics of cow manure anaerobic digestion. Biomass and Bioenergy. 5,395-400 ;Borja R. , Sanchez E., Weiland P. , Travieso L. , Martin A. 1994. Kinetics of anaerobic digestion of cow manure with biomass inmobilized on zeolite. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 54, B9-B14 ;Sanchez E. , Milan Z. , Borja R. , Weiland P. , Rodriguez X. 1995. Pigggery waste treatment by anaerobic digestion and nutrient removal by ionic Exchange. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 15,235-244 ;Borja R. , Sanchez E. , Duran Μ. M. 1996. Effect of the clay mineral zeolite on ammonia inhibition of anaerobic thermophilic reactors treating cattle manure. 1996.Journal of Environmental Science and Health. A31 (2), 479-500 ;Milan Z. , Sanchez E. ,Weiland P. , de Las Pozas C., Borja R. , MayariR. , Rovirosa N. 1997. Ammonia removal from anaerobically treated piggery manure by ion exchange in columns packed with homoionic zeolite.The chemical Engineering Journal. 66,65-71 ;Μ?1?η Z. ,Sanchez E. ,Borja R. , Ilangovan K., Pellon A. , Rovirosa N. ,. Weiland P. , Escobedo R. 1999. Deep bed filtration of anaerobic cattle manure effluents with natural zeolite. Journal of Environmental Science and Health.B34(2),305-332 ;Fernandez N. , Fernandez-Polanco F, Montalvo SJ, Toledano D. 2001. Use of activated carbon and natural zeolite assupport materials, in an anaerobic fiuidized bed reactor, for vinasse treatment. Water Science and Technology44,1-6 ;Milan Z. , Sanchez E. , Borja R. , Weiland P. , Cruz M.2001. Synergistic effect of natural and modified zeolites on the methanogenesis of acetate and methanol. Biotechnology Letters,23,559-562 ;Milan Z. , Sanchez E. ,. Weiland P. ,Borja R. ,Martin A. , Ilangoban K. 2001. Influence of different natural zeolite concentrations on the anaerobic digestion of piggery waste. Bioresource Technology. 80,37-43 ;Μ?1?η Z, Villa P, Sanchez E, Montalvo S, Borja R, Ilangovan K. 2003.Effect of natural and modified zeolite onanaerobic digestion of piggery waste. Water Science and Technology. 48,263-9 ;Du Q. , Liu S. J. , Cao Z. H. , Wang Y. Q. 2005. Ammonia removal fromaqueous solution using natural Chinese clinoptilolite. Separation and Purication Technology. 44,229-234 ;Montalvo S, Diaz F. Guerrero L, Sanchez E, Borja R. 2005. Effect of particle size and doses of zeolite additionon anaerobic digestion processes of synthetic and piggery wastes. Process Biochemistry. 40, 1475-81 ;Sarioglu, M. 2005. Removal of ammonium frommunicipalwastewater usingnatural Turkish (Dogantepe) zeolite. Separation and Purification Technology. 41,1-11 ;Tada C. , Yang Y. , Hanaoka T. , Sonoda A. , Ooi K., Sawayama S. 2005. Effect of natural zeolite on methane production from anaerobic digestion of ammonium rich organic sludge. Bioresurce Technology. 96,459-464 ; Montalvo S. , Guerrero L. , Borja R. , Travieso I. , Sanchez E. , Diaz F. 2006. Use of natural zeolite at different doses and dosage procedures in batch and continuous anaerobic digestion of synthetic and swine wastes. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 47,26-41 ;Guo X.,Zeng L.,Li X. , Par H. S. 2008. Ammonium and potassiumremoval for anaerobically digested wastewater using natural clinoptilolita followed bymembrane pretreatment. Journal of Hazard Materials. 151, 125-133 ;Hedstrom A. , Amofah L. R.2008. Adsorption and desorption of ammoniumby clinoptilolite adsorbent in municipal wastewater treatmentsystems. Journal of Environmental Engineering. Science. 7,53-61 ; 0. ? Nikolaeva, S. , Sanchez, E. , Bor ja, R. , Raposo, F. 2008. Treatment of screeneddairy manure by upflow anaerobic fixed bed reactors packed with waste tyrerubber and a combination of waste tyre rubber and zeolite :effect of the hydraulicretention time. Bioresource Technology99, 7412-7417 ;Wang Y. , Lin F. , Pang W. ,2008. Ion exchange of ammonium in natural and synthesized zeolites. Journal of Hazardous Materialsl60, 371-375 ;Chang W. S. , Tran H. T. , Park D. H. , Zhang R. H. , Ahn D. H. 2009. Ammoniumnitrogen removal characteristics of zeolite media in a biological aerated filter (BAF) for the treatment of textile wastewater. Journal of Industrial Engineering. Chemistry. 15, 524-528 ;Nikolaeva, S. , Sanchez,E. ,Borja,R. ,Raposo,F. , Colmenarejo,M. F. ,Montalvo, S. , Jimenez-Rodriguez, A. M. 2009. Kinetics of anaerobic degradation of screened dairy manure by upflow fixed bed digesters :effect of natural zeolite addition. Journal of Environmental. Science and Health. Part A44,146-150 ;WeiY. X. , LiY. F. , Ye Z. F. 2010. Enhancement of removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen in sequencing batch reactor using natural zeolite. Environmental Earth Science. 60,1407-1413 ;Montalvo S. , Guerrero L. , Borja R. , Sanchez E. , Milan Z. , Cortes I. , Angeles de la Rubia M. 2012. Application of natural zeolites in anaerobic digestion process :A Review. 2012. Apply Clay Science. 58,125-133)。在牛排泄物(residual bovine)的厭氧消化中添加沸 石-斜發沸石防止了氨之存在的抑制作用并且有助于微生物的固定化(BorjaR.,Sdinchez E. , Weiland P. , Travieso L. 1993. Effect of ionic exchanger addition on the anaerobic digestion of cow manure. EnvironmentalTechnology. 14,891-896)。對厭氧消化動力學進 行了研究,將小牛排泄物(residual veal)在含有沸石-斜發沸石支持物的間歇型消化器 (batch digester)中以及不含沸石支持物的對照中完全混合,表明沸石-斜發沸石消化器 支持物所用恒定速率為反應恒定對照的幾乎兩倍(Borja R.,Sdinchez E.,Weiland P., Travieso L. 1993. Effect of ionic exchanger addition on the anaerobic digestion of cow manure Environmental Technologyl4,891_896)。在連續運行的消化器中進行了相同 的研究并且觀察到了相同的行為。此外,當添加沸石-斜發沸石時,氨氮濃度顯著較低 (Borja R. , Sanchez E. , Weiland P. , Travieso L. , Martin A. 1994. Kinetics of anaerobic digestion of cow manure with biomass inmobilized on zeolite.Biochemical Engineering Journal. 54, B9-B14)。用豬廢水(swine wastewater)進行了類似的研究,結 果與用牛排泄物獲得的那些結果非常相似(Sdmchez E.,Mildin z.,Borja R.,Weiland P., Rodriguez X. 1995. Pigggery waste treatment by anaerobic digestion and nutrient removal by ionic Exchange. Resources,Conservation and Recycling. 15,235-244) 〇 對通 過厭氧消化處理之后沸石去除豬和牛廢水中氨氮的能力進行了研究,表明氨氮的去除效率 為約 90 % (Μ--?η Z.,ScSnchez E.,Weiland P.,de Las Pozas C.,Borja R.,MayariR., Rovirosa N. 1997. Ammonia removal from anaerobically treated piggery manure by ion exchange in columns packed with homoionic zeolite.The chemical Engineering Journal. 66,65-71 ;MilanZ. , Sanchez E. , Bor ja R. , Ilangoban K. , Pellon A. , Rovirosa N. , .Weiland P. , Escobedo R. 1999. Deep bed filtration of anaerobic cattle manure effluents with natural zeolite.Journal of Environmental Science and Health. B34 (2), 305-332 ;Milan Z. , Sanchez E. , Borja R. , Weiland P. , Cruz M. 2001. Synergistic effect of natural and modified zeolites on the methanogenesis of acetate and methanol. Biotechnology Letters, 23, 559-562 ;Milan Z. , Sanchez E. ,. Weiland P. ,Borja R.,Martin A.,Ilangoban K. 2001. Influence of different natural zeolite concentrations on the anaerobic digestion of piggery waste.Bioresource Technology. 80,37-43 ;Μ?1?η Z, Villa P, Sanchez E, Montalvo S, Borja R, Ilangovan K. 2003.Effect of natural and modified zeolite onanaerobic digestion of piggery waste. Water Science and Technology48, 263-9)。已表明,天然沸石的添加降低氮的濃度 并且有助于通過多種廢物的厭氧消化生產甲烷,即使對于具有高濃度氮的廢物亦如此 (Milan Z. , Sanchez E. , Borja R. , Weiland P. , Cruz Μ. 2001. Synergistic effect of natural and modified zeolites on the methanogenesis of acetate and methanol. Biotechnology Letters, 23, 559-562 ;Μ?1?η Z, Villa P, Sanchez E, Montalvo S, Borja R, Ilangovan K. 2003. Effect of natural and modified zeolite onanaerobic digestion of piggery waste. Water Science and Technology. 48,263-9 ;Tada C. , Yang Y. , Hanaoka T., Sonoda A. , Ooi K. , Sawayama S. 2005. Effect of natural zeolite on methane production from anaerobic digestion of ammonium rich organic sludge.Bioresurce Technology. 96,459-464 ;Kotsopoulos,T. A.,Karamanlis,X.,Dotas,D.,Martzopoulos, G. G. 2008.The impact ofdifferent natural zeolite concentrations on the methane production in thermophilicanaerobic digestion of pig waste. Biosystems Engineering99,105-111 ;Wei β S.,Tauber M.,Somitsch W.,Meincke R.,Muller H.,Berg G. , Guebitz G. M. ,2010.Enhancement of biogas production by addition of hemicellulolytic bacteria immobilizedon active zeolite.Water Research44, 1970-1980 ;Wei β,S.,Zankel,A.,Lebuhn,M.,Petrak,S.,Somitsch,W.,Guebitz, G. M. 2011. Investigation of microorganisms colonizing activated zeolites during anaerobic biogas production from grass silage.Bioresource Technologyl02, 4353-4359 ;Montalvo S. ,Guerrero L. ,Borja R. ,Sanchez E. ,Milan Z. ,Cortes I. ,Angeles de la Rubia M. 2012. Application of natural zeolites in anaerobic digestion process :A Review. 2012. Apply Clay Science. 58,125-133)〇
[0005] 文獻 Mery C.,Guerrero L,Alonso-Gutierrez J.,Figueroa M.,Lema J. M., Montalvo S. , Borja R. 2012. Evaluation of zeolite as microorganism support medium in nitrifying batch reactors :Influence of zeolite particle size.Journal of Environmental Science and Health. A47,420-427. Research. 62, 71-76 比較了具有不同粒 徑的沸石的離子交換能力,并且示出最佳尺寸范圍為〇. 5mm至1mm。在這些情況下,就較大 的粒徑而言達到了大于64 %的氨氮去除效率。Montalvo S.,Guerrero L,Borja R. Sdinchez E. , Milan Z. , Cirtes I. , Angeles de la Rubia M. 2012. Application of natural zeolites in anaerobic digestion process :A Review. 2012. Apply Clay Science. 58,125-133對沸石 在多種類型廢水的厭氧消化期間防止氨的抑制中的應用進行了綜述。在這篇文章中證實了 沸石在控制所述抑制中的有效性能及其固定化厭氧微生物的能力。
[0006] 已經對添加沸石對微生物固定化的影響進行了研究,并且在需氧過程和厭氧過程 二者中都獲得了令人滿意的結果(Borja y col.,2003 ;Fernc5ndez N.,FerncSndez-Polanco F, Montalvo SJ, Toledano D. 2001. Use of activated carbon and natural zeolite as support materials, in an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor, for vinasse treatment. Water Science and Technology44,1-6 ;He S. B. , Xue, G. , Kong Η. N. 2006. Zeolite powder addition to improve the performance of submerged gravitation-filtration membrane bioreactor. Journal of Environmental. Science. 18,242-247 ;He S. B. , Xue G. , Kong H. N. , Li X. 2007. Improving the performance of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) by the addition of zeolite powder. Journal of HazardMaterials. 142,493-499 ; Ijlliana, 0., Nikolaeva, S. , Sanchez, E. , Borja, R. , Raposo, F. 2008. Treatment of screened dairy manure by upflow anaerobic fixed bed reactors packed with waste tyrerubber and a combination of waste tyre rubber and zeolite :effect of the hydraulic retention time. Bioresource Technology99,7412-7417 ;Nikolaeva, S. , Sanchez, E. , Borja, R., Raposo,F. , Colmenare jo, M. F. , Montalvo, S. , Jimenez-Rodri guez, A. M. 2009. Kinetics of anaerobic degradation of screened dairy manureby upflow fixed bed digesters :effect of natural zeolite addition. Journal of Environmental. Science and Health. Part A44, 146-150 ; Jiang Y. F. , Liu D. H. , Sun T. X. , Chen J. M. 2010. Process characteristics of zeolite media biological aerated filter for treating aquaculture wastewater. Huanjing Kexue/Environmental Science. 31,703-708 ;Wei β S. , Tauber M. , Somitsch W., Meincke R. , Miiller H. , Berg G. , Guebitz G. M. , 2010. Enhancement of biogas production by addition of hemicellulolytic bacteria immobilizedon active zeolite. Water Research44,1970-1980 ;Wei β,S.,Zankel,A.,Lebuhn,M.,Petrak,S.,Somitsch,W., Guebitz, G. M. 2011. Investigation of microorganisms colonizing activated zeolites during anaerobic biogas production from grass silage. Bioresource Technologyl02, 4353-4359 ;Mery y col. , 2011 ;Montalvo S. , Guerrero L. ,Borja R. , Sanchez E. ,Milan Z., Cortes I. , Angeles de la Rubia M. 2012. Application of natural zeolites in anaerobic digestion process :A Review. 2012. Apply Clay Science. 58,125-133) 〇
[0007] 前述文獻綜述披露,尚沒有與在作為公知位置(例如UASB制品)的上流式厭氧消 化器與覆層中使用斜發沸石型沸石相關的文獻,也沒有任何與諸如本發明的方法相關的專 利。
[0008] 本發明涉及一種通過添加負責有機物之厭氧降解的顆粒狀沸石-斜發沸石活化 的污泥來在上流式厭氧消化器與污泥床(UASB)中進行厭氧消化的方法。該沸石以占漿料 總體積的15%至23%的比例添加,該量足以在反應器中獲得較好的污泥停留以及所需量 的氮的去除以防止由該化合物導致的抑制量過程。所用沸石必須是斜發沸石型,因為斜發 沸石因其作為離子交換劑的性能而具有高的去除氨氮的能力。
[0009] 在曾使用沸石的其他反應器(厭氧過濾器和流化過濾器)中未曾旨在處理具有高 水平氮的廢水,也未曾獲得具有生物肥料特性的殘余物,更不必提在反應器中獲得較好的 污泥成粒,其中成粒是UASB反應器的顯著特性。
[0010] 此外,本專利的目的是解決UASB反應器由于未能形成沉淀以及因進行微生物的 洗滌而使效率降低從而無法用于含有高濃度蛋白質和/或氨氮的廢水的難題。
[0011] 與應用于廢水的任何其他類型的反應器相比,UASB反應器以較低的停留時間運 行,因此,將UASB反應器的結果與其他反應器的結果進行比較是不可能或不實際的。
[0012] 圖1示出上流式厭氧消化器與污泥床的圖,其中(1)是生物氣,(2)是沸石,(3)是 流出物,(4)是流入物,(5)是生物氣導流器,(6)是沉降分離器生物氣以及(7)是經消化的 污泥。
[0013] 圖2和3示出電子顯微鏡顯微圖,其中在不同方式的沸石顆粒的內部和表面上觀 察到了大量的微生物,突顯出球菌形成的成束或成簇形態。
[0014] 本發明涉及一種通過添加負責有機物質之厭氧降解的顆粒狀沸石-斜發沸石活 化的污泥來在上流式厭氧消化器與污泥床(UASB)中進行厭氧消化的方法。該沸石以占漿 料總體積的15%至23%的比例添加,該量足以在反應器中獲得較好的污泥停留以及所需 量的氮的去除以防止由該化合物導致的抑制量過程。所用沸石必須是斜發沸石型,因為斜 發沸石因其作為離子交換劑的性能而具有高的去除氨氮的能力。
[0015] 所用沸石-斜發沸石的粒徑為0· 5mm至2mm。
[0016] 通過從如圖1所示的消化器的底部添加所需量的材料將反應器中沸石-斜發沸石 的濃度維持在恒定比例。
[0017] 隨著沸石的添加,氮的去除效率持續降低,而生物氣的產生提高。
[0018] 如下表1所示,就具有高濃度氨氮的廢水而言,氮的去除效率為50%至80%不等。
[0019] 表 1
1. 用于通過微生物的固定化和受控銨抑制在上流式厭氧消化器與污泥床(UASB)中對 含有高濃度的氨氮、有機氮或蛋白質的廢水進行厭氧消化的方法,其中所述方法包括以下 步驟: a) 用經良好消化的污泥接種包含在所述消化器中的含有高濃度的氮或蛋白質的廢 水; b) 向來自步驟a)的殘余經接種廢水中添加平均粒徑為0· 5mm至2mm的沸石-斜發沸 石,其百分比為沸石體積為污泥總體積的15體積%至23體積% ; c) 向從步驟b)得到的顆粒狀活化污泥中添加體積逐漸提高的含有高濃度的氮或蛋白 質的廢水,以達到穩定的預定運行條件; d) 在步驟c)的預定穩定運行條件下監測所述消化器的運行,對消化器流出物中有機 物質和氨氮的去除、所述消化器中的氮的濃度、消化器流出物中的生物氣產生以及所述生 物氣中甲烷的濃度進行定量; e) 在所述消化器中累積的顆粒狀活化污泥中再次添加沸石以檢測至少所述消化器的 所述流出物中氨氮濃度的提高、去除效率的降低、有機材料的去除效率的降低或生物氣產 生的降低,將所述消化器中污泥的體積維持恒定在基于所述消化器的總體積的20%的比 例;任選地, f) 從所述消化器的底部除去所產生的過量的污泥,并通過使用陽光或替代方法使其脫 水,使得獲得含有營養物的高濃度材料,所述材料的水分濃度為20%至30%,其可用作生 物肥料或緩慢釋放的肥料營養物。
2. 權利要求1的方法,其中所述含有高濃度氨氮、有機氮或蛋白質的廢水選自農業廢 水或食品工業的廢水。
3. 權利要求3的方法,其中家畜來源的所述含有高濃度氨氮、有機氮或蛋白質的廢水 選自在養豬廠中廣生的廢水或來自乳制品廠的廢水。
【公開日】2014年12月17日 申請日期:2014年5月30日 優先權日:2013年5月30日
【發明者】西爾維奧·哈辛托·蒙塔爾沃馬丁內斯, 恩里克·帕布洛·桑切斯埃爾南德斯, 洛娜·埃琳娜·格雷羅薩爾德斯 申請人:智利圣地亞哥大學